An original song collection by jazz pianist Keiichi Hashimoto, written for the 5th "K's Ascension or K's Drowning"(Motojiro Kajii) of the Gokujo Bungaku series, which is a Recitation that started in 2011. ”Gokujo” means superb, and “Bungaku” means literature. All songs are played on solo piano.
2021年3月27日 インターネット配信 を開始 Spotify
2021年3月 THE MAGAZINE に掲載
1. N海岸の月 The Moon in "N" Coast
2. K君との出逢い Encounter with Mr.K
3. 一滴の涙 A Drop of Tears
4. 影法師の誘惑 Temptation
5. 猫の手の化粧道具 Makeup Tool of Cat's Hand
6. 真夜中の鏡 Midnight Mirror
7. 冬の蝿 Winter Fly
8. 憂鬱な部屋 Melancholy Room
9. 檸檬 Lemon
10. 白い猫とK White Cat and K
11. Kの昇天 Ascension of K
12. イカルス、月へ Icarus to the Moon
(日本語曲名は、脚本:神楽澤小虎による。The Japanese song titles are written by Kotora Kagurazawa.)